Family Photos

(Random Collection of Family Photos, here for preservation and backup purposes)

Some of these were mailed to me in an ancient form of photographs where you don't have an electronic copy, instead it is on a piece of flimsy paper that cannot be backed up.  Some people used to put these in books and call them "photo albums".  You probably have never heard of any of that since it is ridiculous to put photos anywhere but on the web.  Anyway, I have scanned in these photos and put them here.  Click on any photo below for the really large backup version of the scanned image.


My parents, Howard and Virginia Wilson, taken in 2003.


My sister's family, from left to right Nathanael Mark Hoffmann, Catherine Grace (Katie) Hoffmann, my sister Cheryl Hoffmann, my brother in law Mark Hoffmann.  Picture probably taken around 2002.


The photo below is of my brother's family.  From left to right: Ari Cassidy Echt-Wilson (girl on top of tire), Eli Joshua Echt-Wilson (little boy in swing), Ramey Echt, and Randy Wilson (my brother).  Probably taken around 1997.

This is me, taken as a promotional photo for our corporate website in 2003.


A few images scanned of my grandparents, Ralph & Erma Wilson.


This photo immediately below was taken at DeeAnn & Gare's wedding.  All of the people in the photo are the complete set of children, grand-children, and great-grand-children families of Ralph and Erma who are sitting in front.  The only missing family is Ralph III (Chip) and his wife Robin and their two daughters.  The photo below that one is Howard Wilson (son of Ralph & Erma) and his complete nuclear family.  From left to right: Howard, Virginia, Brian (me), Ramey Echt (bride), Randy (Groom), Catherine Grace Hoffmann (baby), Mark Hoffmann, and Cheryl Hoffmann (Cheryl is Howard's daughter).


This isn't technically family, but where I was best man at my buddy David Buehler's wedding.


We had 3 dogs when I was growing up, a toy poodle that was gone before I was 2 so I don't remember it, "Arrow" which was a short hair, tough dog we gave away after a year because of behavior problems, and "Spike", the dog pictured below.  His full name was Spikenard Wilson (all the puppies in the litter were named after spices, and there is a spice by the name of "Spikenard").  He was extremely friendly dog, good natured, always loved to play catch, loved the beach.  He lived 17 years.


A picture of Brian Wilson (me) and Joerge Haake writing a research paper in Darmstadt, Germany, on December 1st, 1991.  Both of us were working for GMD-IPSI, a german institute at the time.  A few years after this photo was taken, Joerge and I toured Europe on motorcycles together for 3 weeks, my first Europe trip.  Joerge bought a motorcycle with my money but in his name in Germany, and when I came home he sold it for me for about the same amount of money. 


Various pictures of my nieces when they were young.  The lower one is myself and Catherine Grace Hoffman (the little girl) standing out in a stream at the beach.  About a minute after this photo was taken, police walked out on the beach, drew their guns, and arrested a man a few yards away from us while Catherine and I were still crossing the stream.


Erma & Ralph are my grandparents, and below them are my parents Howard and Virginia.


Three pictures from 1975, the first are the "cousins" of my generation, from left to right: Ralph (Chip) Wilson 3rd, Karen, Bruce Craig, Cheryl, Bruce Allen, Randy, Brian (me), Douglas, Greg, Dee Ann.


The cousins with "Grandpa and Grandma" (Ralph Wilson and Erma Wilson).


The Howard Wilson subset: Virginia Wilson and Howard Wilson and their three: Randy, Cheryl, and Brian.


On a plane ride sometime around 1992 or so, a young woman sitting next to me on a plane (about my age at the time) gave me this card, and struck up a conversation with me.  She was wearing a "nun" outfit (sort of) and I think was Mormon and was returning from a year long "mission" (common tradition in the Mormon faith).  It's a famous prayer, and I really like it, although I'm an atheist and if this woman is correct in her religious beliefs I'm going straight to hell when I die for sure.  :-)


On January 7th, 2010 I moved from 425A Forest Ave, Palo Alto to the Pacifica dock house.  On November 29th of 2010 the Backblaze business finally moved out of 425A Forest Ave also.  At that time, here are is a photo of a collection of business cards I had accrued over the years of visitors to my home.  These were all personal friends, nothing related to Backblaze.


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